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A new year is approaching fast

12/16/2010 05:12:00

It has been over 2 months sense my last post so maybe you want to hear what is new. Thanksgiving was spent in mid 20 degrees camping in Tacopa for opal and we also searched for and found petrified palm root in Sperry wash plus jasper's and agates. Came in from the Talc mines for that and the went from the 127 by the Dumont sand dunes East for Death Valley Picture rock. It is different than the Indian paint rock that is on the west side of 127 that you can no longer collect. Did a day trip to Indian Pass in Imperial county for Blue Dumortierite and palm root. This palm root is tan and white while the Sperry wash is reddish in color. As I will be selling again in Quartzsite at Pow Wow in space 204 from 1/19/11-1/23/11, I plan on taking some stuff over on the 31st. That day and you are all invited I will be leading a field trip east to just North of Aguila. The first stop will be for the Chipboard Rhyolite and then to Brenda for Agate possibly on the way back due to timing. We will be camping North of Aguila that night and will be collecting Chrysocolla plus quartz points we believe we know where they are located. Hope to get back to Quartzsite late Sunday or Monday to search for goodies at Desert Gardens. Send me an e-mail or call if you want to meet up in Quatrzsite on the 31st. Or follow from my place. 4 wheel drive or high clearance might be recommended for this trip. The forest service finally sent us a letter giving us permission to use the generator and rotary hammers/vacuum cleaners to dig on the 2 pegmatite claims we have. See ya See all posts...