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Field Trips and Quartzsite

01/24/2011 05:01:00

On December 31st. stayed in Quartzsite and collected that day Brenda Agate plus more chipboard rhyolite. Found some great Jasper but we decided to collect more on the way back from the area north of Aguila. We did pick up more Chrysocolla and found the quartz crystal location. I am not impressed with these crystals as they are on the small side yet clear. Bought some rocks in Quartzsite on the 3rd. Went back to Quartzsite on 1/17/11 to set up for the 5 days of sales at the QIA Pow Wow. Last year was better on my rock sales with Sunday the last day of the 23rd being the worst sales day ever for a rock sale outing on my end. For a great update on what took place please see Janet's blog. Planning on going east of Quartzsite to collect more Agate and to Burro creek next month. If you want to get on the field trip list, please send me an e-mail. see ya See all posts...