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April and May seeing more rocks into June

05/19/2011 06:05:00

Hello all: The Lancaster show at the High school was very slow as the street was dead on traffic and so not much walk on traffic. I will not sell at that location again. The Vista show 4/8/2011- 4/10/2011 was fun as that is normal for that show. I did set up on Wednesday with tables to get a great spot but did not come back until late Friday morning to start selling due to rain. April 16th the First week end in May I dug for goodies and camped over at the Donna claim then lead a small group of people to the Cryo-Genie mine on Sunday. On April 29th and 30th into Sunday hunted for dumortierite plus agate/jasper around Indian Pass in Imperial County. The wind was bad that Friday night. May the 6th I was off to Tonopah NV for turquoise. Did stop in Tecopa to dig for opal that Friday. Met up with about sixteen others in our group for dinner that night in Tonopah. Then Saturday and Sunday, dug for Turquoise at the Royston mine with my oldest son. I have more turquoise then I know what to do with so will not be going back for some time unless I see a major demand for my material. On Saturday May 14th lead a small group of people to my Donna claim. Found nothing but know were we will find goodies when we go back on June the 4th. The mineralization and schorl was bigger then in other spots we have dug at. If you are not on my field trip list and want to be then please send me an e-mail. I am looking forward to searching for gold in the July/August time frame in Sierra county and only wish the fish and game would allow us to go back to dredging for gold. Until next time

"Renters from hell"

" Posting this on my web site as I need to let people know that Daniel M Rubridge was a tenant of mine with rent location of 952 W Washington Ave, El Cajon, Calif. 92020 and a tenant from hell as I have pictures to show the mess left. This Daniel M Rubridge was born on 08/24/1979 SS# 521-81-8167. Daniel lived at the residence from 05/06/2019 to 05/24/2011. With past rents due, legal fees for eviction and major damage to property, his bill to me and still due as of 09/06/2016 is $4958.00+ You may contact me at - 619-445-0800 - Richard Mueller If you are Daniel M Rubridge you have not contacted me about paying me back any monies. I will settle for a less amount "

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