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The weather is slowly changing so--

11/01/2011 06:11:00

Hello all: Time to go collect rocks in the desert. Looks like I will be playing around Barstow, Calico and the Cady mountains around Thanksgiving time. The last trip to the Yuba river for gold was one of the worst for finding gold I have been on. Next year, after doing some exploring this last trip about a mile up river looks to be promising and I plan on taking my high banker and shoveling for gold. The middle of September was a fun time learning and searching for Jade at Jade cove N. of San Simeon or S. of Big Sur Calif. A few days rest at home and it was off to Utah for a week. I did put a feeler out to my field trip list and I could not get one soul to go with me so it was a drive by myself for the 700 miles. The plan was to meet a few people I knew from Quartzsite around Natural Bridges Utah and do some collecting. As I had a the trailer hitch on my jeep we were able to haul a few quads to collecting locations. In the Picture in back of the jeep is a heavy log. After three nights there it was off to Henry mountains for more collecting of different material. Utah is one pretty state. The weather was great with no rain like last year. A few weeks ago I was selling rocks at our annual show at the Lakeside rodeo. Just had a large solar system installed on my roof and it was turned on on Monday. From what I can read on the meter, I am saving money already. Looks like on the 12th of this month I will have a small group digging and collecting on The Donna Claim. Let me know if you want to dig. See ya See all posts...