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Summer is approaching

05/22/2013 06:05:00

Hello all: The third week of April I was in AZ with a few others collecting chrysocolla. The first weekend in May it was off to Tonopah NV to collect turquoise and it was more productive than the October trip in 2012. This past weekend worked the My Donna claim with 6 others and I did find a nice aqua beryl that is more green than blue and needs to be cleaned better along with some quartz points. There is a nice termination on the specimen. I did sell Slabs at the San Diego Gem and mineral BBQ on the 11th. and it was fun. Two Fridays in June I will be a volunteer on showing others how to pan for gold at the San Diego county fair. I will be leading a gold trip to the Middle fork of the Yuba river again this year and plan to leave the night of July 8th. I hope to be there about a week. If there is any interest, please e-mail me and I will send you more info. You most likely will not come home with ounces but you will have fun.
Until next time, stop and smell the dirt.

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