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Summer is here

06/02/2014 06:06:00

Six Months later: Now I am looking forward to gold prospecting in these summer months. The Pow Wow in Quartzsite was great. I did buy a Quad 660 Yamaha Grizzly as I have been able to find rocks in distant canyons/sand washes and it is narrower than the jeep. Did collecting in the Chuckwalla mountains before New Years end. Collected north and south of Aguila AZ for mushroom rhyolite, laced amethyst and chrysocolla the last week of January. Played on my claims in mid February. Sold stuff in March at the Stoddard wells show and the Vista show in April. Collected in the Cady mountains twice in April and definitely want to go back when it cools down for some great agates. The first of May weekend collected Turquoise in the Tonopah area of NV and also wonderstone. Sold Slabs at the San Diego Mineral & Gem Society BBQ and this past weekend dug around my 2 claims. Two Fridays in June I will be volunteering for my gold prospecting group at the San Diego County Fair. Taking 8 + days to go for gold in the Sierra and Nevada County. Based on many of us at a hearing on the dredging case on May first we still have to wait to see if the Judge rules in our favor on us getting back to dredging in calif. O'h what BS came out of the mouths of the environmental attorneys. I believe the judge saw between their lies. The latest is the judge wants the good attorneys vs the BSers to work out a compromise around the 11th of this month to find a solution to this prohibition. Maybe soon we will be dredging or back to the high banker for gold.

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