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Time to find some great rocks then gold

02/14/2017 05:02:00

Sense the last wright up I have been to my gold claim 2 more times with not a lot of success plus the the N. and S. Cady mountains a few times. Thanksgiving I was out with a number of people at the Wiley Wells rockhound area. Ran off to Quartzsite for a few days at the end of the year then back for a week during Pow Wow to sell mostly slabs. A few weeks ago I lead a trip to Indian Pass in Imperial county for Dumortierite or Desert Lapis, Yellowish and other jaspers, plus stray chunks of hematite, kyanite in quartz, petrified palm root, palm, bog with or without fossil snails. With unusual rain in So. Calif. I have been wanting to go back to the N Cady mountains but it has been raining almost every week. Looks like I will be able to go after the 21st. of Feb. I also plan to go back to Burro Creek before summer and also back to Utah. Looking forward on going back to my gold claims on one of the Yuba rivers. I did pick up a propane freezer/refrigerator for the claim as ice is a commodity in the summer months in the middle of no where and a long ways from civilization. Until next time

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