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Off to my gold claim

05/15/2020 06:05:00

A few of us were planning to go this past Wednesday to the river gold claim I have. With over 2" of rain expected through this next Tuesday we cancelled the trip until this coming Friday. With dirt road wet it becomes only mud when one drives on it so need it to dry out some. Fortunately my claim partner took a load of goods up there and removed some branches and chainsawed trees that came down. He did this early last week when it was dry. The first day up there for the year has us clearing the road and trail of branches a little bit more and taking supplies from where we park the cars to our camp site. Will bring my quad up to haul most of the stuff. We get there by way of an old flume. We leave a lot of stuff up there the whole year so just have to set up tables and bring in camp gear. This is a tent only location and I leave my tent up the whole summer and hope to get up there like 5 times for at least a week at a time. We now have 2 propane refrigerators as the closest store is a 45 minute drive one way. The objective is to get gold.

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