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October and into November

11/22/2009 05:11:00

The El Cajon Show was fun with repeat customers coming from miles away. November 5th left to collect Petrified Tule-Reed stocks So of Needles and by getting off the main road, I could see no one has been there sense the last time I collected there some years ago. From there it was off to the Kingston mountains for Amethyst crystals. In the Spring I will be going back because one needs a few days to explore and collect in this remote area. On Friday it was a short look for turquoise in an area someone told us about from a trip he did 10 years previously but that turned out to be a bust. Saturday was collecting of Jaspers in the Afton Canyon area. Went to the Costa Mesa show on 11/14/09 and spent only $5.00. Nothing great I had to have. This past weekend, spent the night at the Cryo-Genie mine and then dug on my claim but nothing was found Sat. or Sunday. Looks like I will be collecting in the Chuckwalla Springs area over Thanksgiving. If you want to know more or have a question, please call or send an e-mail. Thank you See all posts...