Mason Pass Stabilized Turquoise

Mason Pass Stabilized Turquoise

Mason Pass Stabilized Turquoise. This location is West of Yerington, NV. The specimens are solid all the way through. When buying send me an e-mail first as to the amount you might want and I will do my best in finding what you want. $18.00 Oz or $256.00 Lb. Over 1 pound is $16.00 an Oz.

Taubert- Harcross group-Stone Mountain Turquoise-Mason Pass (What I am calling it.)

"This group of mines, reportedly discovered by Otto Taubert in 1908, is located in Lyon County, Nevada. Taubert, while looking for gold, found turquoise deposits in the area. He later sold his group of claims to Walter Godber, of the famed Godber-Burnham mine. Godber had come to Nevada from Los Angeles and these were his first Nevada claims. He went on to later operate a number of turquoise properties throughout the State. After over $50,000 worth of turquoise was produced mining stopped at this group of mines as Godber’s attention and resources were required at his other mines.

F.B. Cross and J.J. Harrison later claimed the main mining area in September of 1965 as the Harcross group. The turquoise is very hard and is usually formed in veinlets. It covers a range of most all the colors from blue, bluish green, to every shade of green, mostly with a limonite matrix. The material with a greenish cast can have dendrite markings. It can be translucent and is one of the harder turquoises." From:

US $18

In Stock: 500

Handling charge: US $1

Weight: 0.5 lbs

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