Sweet but not tasty Fossilized Dinosaur poop or Coprolite

Sweet but not tasty Fossilized Dinosaur poop or Coprolite

Sweet but not tasty Fossilized Dinosaur poop or Coprolite. Specimen weighs about 4 lb 10.5 oz and measures about 7" x 4.5" x 3.25". This Specimen comes from the Jurassic Era and is around 148 Million years old. Was found in Wayne County Utah in the Henry Mountains. Specimen dry when pictures taken. Was put in saw to lay flat and show color. Please expect a postage refund if it looks high then it is. Please expect a postage refund if it looks high then it is.

US $49

In Stock: 1

Handling charge: US $3

Weight: 4.7 lbs

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