Kingman turquoise nugget beads S Green and Blue color
Kingman turquoise nugget beads S Green and Blue color or Turquoise Mountain turquoise beads $20.00 Oz. Pictures are in the sun and shade. This is old stock as we bought from an estate sale. We believe all was stabilized. Turquoise Mountain turquoise comes from the Cerbat Mountains in Mohave County, AZ. It is part of the Kingman mining operations and one of the two main turquoise deposits along with Ithaca Peak. Make bracelets, necklaces or use smaller pieces with holes in it for earrings. The bead strand on the right weighs 2.2 Oz = $44.00. Strand on Left weighs 1.9 Oz or $38.00 Please let me know about how many Oz's you might like and I will give you a total with S & H.
US $20
In Stock: 500
Handling charge: US $1
Weight: 0.5 lbs